

2019年以前の実績については,各スタッフのresearchmap [大門井桁] をご覧ください.


  • 手良向聡監訳,大門貴志監訳.臨床予測モデル.(株) 朝倉書店,東京,2023 [Steyerberg, E.W. (2019). Clinical Prediction Models, 2nd edition. Springer, 2023].

  • 井桁正尭, 松井茂之. 第6章 開発段階に応じた臨床試験:早期の探索的試験 [第II相試験], 30. 第II相試験概論, 31. Proof of Concept (PoC) 試験, 32. 第II相用量範囲試験, 33. 用量反応性試験, 34. 用量反応性(傾向性)の検定, 35. 検定に基づく用量選択, 36. 用量反応性の検定と用量選択, 臨床試験の事典 (丹後敏郎, 松井茂之編集), 朝倉書店, 2023; 90-103.

  • 大門貴志, 平川晃弘, 松井茂之. 第6章 開発段階に応じた臨床試験:早期の探索的試験 [第I相試験], 26. 患者を対象とする第I相試験のデザイン, 27. CRMとモデルに基づく試験デザイン, 臨床試験の事典  (丹後敏郎, 松井茂之編集). 朝倉書店, 2023; 76-83.

  • 平川晃弘, 大門貴志, 松井茂之. 第6章 開発段階に応じた臨床試験:早期の探索的試験 [第I相試験], 24. 第I相試験の目的, 25. 健常人を対象とした試験デザイン, 臨床試験の事典 (丹後敏郎, 松井茂之編集), 朝倉書店, 2023; 72-75.

原著論文等 (英文)

  • Yoshizumi K, Nishi M, Igeta M, Nakamori M, Inoue K, Matsumura T, Fujimura H, Jinnai K, Kimura T. Analysis of splicing abnormalities in the white matter of myotonic dystrophy type 1 brain using RNA sequencing. Neurosci Res. 2024 Mar;200:48-56. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2023.10.002.

  • Horio Y, Uchino M, Igeta M, Nagano K, Kusunoki K, Kuwahara R, Sato T, Shinzaki S, Ikeuchi H. The comprehensive complication index in ulcerative Colitis: A comparison with the Clavien-Dindo classification. Inflamm Intest Dis. 2024 Mar 8;9(1):85-95. doi: 10.1159/000538180. 

  • Wakabayashi I, Marumo M, Ekawa K, Daimon T. Differences in serum and plasma levels of microRNAs and their time-course changes after blood collection. Pract Lab Med. 2024 Feb 16;39:e00376. doi: 10.1016/j.plabm.2024.e00376. 

  • Ye D, Miyoshi A, Ushitani T, Kadoya M, Igeta M, Konishi K, Shoji T, Yasuda K, Kitaoka S, Yagi H, Kuroda E, Yamamoto Y, Cheng J, Koyama H. RAGE in circulating immune cells is fundamental for hippocampal inflammation and cognitive decline in a mouse model of latent chronic inflammation. Brain Behav Immun. 2024 Feb;116:329-348. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2023.12.022. 

  • Yoshimura N, Fujiwara M, Igeta M, Suzuki H, Kunimoto R, Terada T, Shinoda Y, Nakamura M, Fukutake J, Takaki H, Yamakado K. Risk factors causing Hypothyroidism in patients with head and neck cancer after radiotherapy using SIB-VMAT. Anticancer Res. 2024 Jan;44(1):323-329. doi: 10.21873/anticanres.16815. 

  • Kidawara Y, Kadoya M, Igeta M, Morimoto A, Miyoshi A, Kakutani-Hatayama M, Kanzaki A, Konishi K, Kusunoki Y, Daimon T, Asakura M, Ishihara M, Koyama H. Nocturnal hypertension and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in patients with diabetes with the absence of Heart failure: Prospective cohort HSCAA Study. Hypertension. 2024 Jan;81(1):172-182. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.123.21304.

  • Ohmura K, Daimon T, Ikegame Y, Yano H, Yokoyama K, Kumagai M, Shinoda J, Iwama T. Resection of positive tissue on methionine-PET is associated with improved survival in glioblastomas. Brain Behav. 2023 Dec;13(12):e3291. doi: 10.1002/brb3.3291. 

  • Hirami Y, Mandai M, Sugita S, Maeda A, Maeda T, Yamamoto M, Uyama H, Yokota S, Fujihara M, Igeta M, Daimon T, Fujita K, Ito T, Shibatani N, Morinaga C, Hayama T, Nakamura A, Ueyama K, Ono K, Ohara H, Fujiwara M, Yamasaki S, Watari K, Bando K, Kawabe K, Ikeda A, Kimura T, Kuwahara A, Takahashi M, Kurimoto Y. Safety and stable survival of stem-cell-derived retinal organoid for 2 years in patients with retinitis pigmentosa. Cell Stem Cell. 2023 Dec 7;30(12):1585-1596.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2023.11.004. 

  • Atagi S, Daimon T, Okishio K, Komuta K, Okano Y, Minato K, Kim YH, Usui R, Tabata C, Tamura A, Kawahara M. A randomized phase III study of docetaxel alone versus docetaxel plus S-1 in patients with previously treated non-small cell lung cancer: JMTO LC09-01. Thorac Cancer. 2023 Oct;14(29):2941-2949. doi: 10.1111/1759-7714.15080. 

  • Kataoka K, Takahashi K, Takeuchi J, Ito K, Beppu N, Ceelen W, Kanemitsu Y, Ajioka Y, Endo I, Hasegawa K, Takahashi K, Ikeda M. Correlation between recurrence-free survival and overall survival after upfront surgery for resected colorectal liver metastases. Br J Surg. 2023 Jun 12;110(7):864-869. doi: 10.1093/bjs/znad127. 

  • Takahashi K, Yamamoto K, Kuchiba A, Shintani A, Koyama T. Hypothesis testing procedure for binary and multi-class F1 -scores in the paired design. Stat Med. 2023 Oct 15;42(23):4177-4192. doi: 10.1002/sim.9853. 

  • Maeda S, Toda K, Shimamura K, Nakamoto K, Igeta M, Sakata Y, Sawa Y, Miyagawa S. Preoperative higher right ventricular stroke work index increases the risk of de novo aortic insufficiency after continuous-flow left ventricular assist device implantation. J Artif Organs. 2023 Jul 19. doi: 10.1007/s10047-023-01411-1. Epub ahead of print.

  • Wakabayashi I, Daimon T. Hematometabolic index as a new discriminator of cardiometabolic risk in middle-aged men with polycythemia and high leukocyte count in peripheral blood. Metab syndr relat disord. Jun;21(5):267-274. doi: 10.1089/met.2023.0011. 

  • Horio Y, Uchino M, Igeta M, Nagano K, Kusunoki K, Kuwahara R, Kimura K, Kataoka K, Beppu N, Ikeda M, Ikeuchi H. Risk factors for the postoperative recurrence of ulcerative colitis-associated colorectal cancer. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2023 May 4;38(1):113. doi: 10.1007/s00384-023-04410-z. 

  • Otani K, Watanabe T, Takahashi K, Nadatani Y, Ominami M, Fukunaga S, Hosomi S, Kamata N, Tanaka F, Nagami Y, Taira K, Kimura T, Fukumoto S, Fujiwara Y. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopic findings in functional constipation and irritable bowel syndrome diagnosed using the Rome IV criteria: a cross-sectional survey during a medical check-up in Japan. BMC Gastroenterol. 2023 May 3;23(1):140. doi: 10.1186/s12876-023-02784-6. 

  • Tanaka A, Okada Y, Torimoto K, Kamei N, Hirai H, Kono T, Sugimoto K, Teragawa H, Taguchi I, Maruhashi T, Sonoda S, Kurozumi A, Inagaki S, Oshita C, Hisauchi I, Takahashi K, Higashi Y, Shimabukuro M, Node K; PROCEED trial investigators. Effect of ipragliflozin on endothelial dysfunction in patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease: A randomized clinical trial (PROCEED). Diabetes Metab. 2023 Jul;49(4):101447. doi: 10.1016/j.diabet.2023.101447. 

  • Tokumaru S, Ishikawa H, Soejima T, Kimoto T, Takakusagi Y, Tamamura H, Wada H, Taguchi H, Uchinami Y, Hiroshima Y, Hojo H, Kamei T, Muto M, Igeta M. Analysis of particle therapy registries based on a unified treatment policy for esophageal cancer. J Radiat Res. 2023 Jun 16;64(Supplement_1):i16-i24. doi: 10.1093/jrr/rrad012. 

  • Kitajima K, Igeta M, Kuyama J, Kawahara T, Suga T, Otani T, Sugawara S, Kono Y, Tamaki Y, Seko-Nitta A, Ishiwata Y, Ito K, Toriihara A, Watanabe S, Hosono M, Miyake H, Yamamoto S, Narita M, Daimon T, Yamakado K. Novel nomogram developed for determining suitability of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer patients to receive maximum benefit from radium-223 dichloride treatment-Japanese Ra-223 therapy in prostate cancer using Bone Scan Index (J-RAP-BSI) Trial. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2023 Apr;50(5):1487-1498.

  • Kaida K, Ikegame K, Inoue T, Maruyama S, Ishii S, Uchida N, Doki N, Eto T, Fukuda T, Katayama Y, Takada S, Kawakita T, Ichinohe T, Atsuta Y, Daimon T, Ogawa H. Peritransplantation glucocorticoid haploidentical stem cell transplantation is a promising strategy for AML patients with high leukemic burden: comparison with transplantations using other donor types. Transplant Cell Ther. 2023 Apr;29(4):273.e1-273.e9. doi: 10.1016/j.jtct.2023.01.005. 

  • Ozaki T, Yamagami H, Morimoto M, Hatano T, Oishi H, Haraguchi K, Yoshimura S, Sugiu K, Iihara K, Matsumaru Y, Matsumoto Y, Satow T, Hayakawa M, Sakai C, Miyamoto S, Kitagawa K, Daimon T, Kagimura T, Sakai N. Short- versus long-term Dual AntiPlatelet Therapy for Stent-Assisted treatment of CErebral aneurysm (DAPTS ACE): a multicenter, open-label, randomized clinical trial. J Neurointerv Surg. 2024 Jan 12;16(2):171-176. doi: 10.1136/jnis-2022-019867. 

  • Wakabayashi I, Daimon T. Attenuation by habitual alcohol drinking of the associations of obesity with blood pressure and pulse pressure. Blood Press Monit. 2023 Feb 1;28(1):17-23. doi: 10.1097/MBP.0000000000000623. 

  • Azuma K, Nishimura K, Min KD, Takahashi K, Matsumoto Y, Eguchi A, Okuhara Y, Naito Y, Suna S, Asakura M, Ishihara M. Plasma renin activity variation following admission predicts patient outcome in acute decompensated heart failure with reduced and mildly reduced ejection fraction. Heliyon. 2023 Jan 21;9(2):e13181. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e13181. 

  • Sano K, Fujiwara M, Okada W, Tanooka M, Takaki H, Shibata M, Nakamura K, Sakai Y, Suzuki H, Takahashi K, Tanaka M, Yamakado K. Optimal threshold of a control parameter for tomotherapy respiratory tracking: A phantom study. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2023 May;24(5):e13901. doi: 10.1002/acm2.13901. 

  • Maeda S, Toda K, Shimamura K, Yoshioka D, Maeda K, Yamada Y, Igeta M, Sakata Y, Sawa Y, Miyagawa S. Long-term survival after surgical or transcatheter aortic valve replacement for low or intermediate surgical risk aortic stenosis: comparison with general population. J Cardiol. 2023 Jan;81(1):68-75. 

  • Kuribayashi K, Igeta M, Daimon T, Ibu M, Suna S, Okamoto R, Kijima T. Clinical efficacy and safety of nivolumab in malignant non-pleural mesothelioma: a multicenter, open-label, single-arm, Japanese phase II trial (Viola) protocol. Oncology. 2023;101(4):257-261. 

  • Igeta M, Matsui S. Blinded sample size re-estimation for comparing over-dispersed count data incorporating follow-up lengths. Stat Med. 2022 Dec 20;41(29):5622-5644.

  • Jomoto W, Takaki H, Yamamoto S, Kanematsu A, Igeta M, Hirota S, Yamakado K. Differentiation of angiomyolipoma with minimal fat from clear cell renal cell carcinoma using non-contrast multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging. In Vivo. 2022 Nov-Dec;36(6):2790-2799. 

  • Kidawara Y, Kadoya M, Morimoto A, Daimon T, Kakutani-Hatayama M, Kosaka-Hamamoto K, Miyoshi A, Konishi K, Kusunoki Y, Shoji T, Goda A, Asakura M, Ishihara M, Koyama H. Sleep Apnea and physical movement during sleep, but not sleep duration, are independently associated with progression of left Ventricular diastolic dysfunction: Prospective hyogo sleep cardio-autonomic atherosclerosis cohort study. J Am Heart Assoc. 2022 Oct 4;11(19):e024948. 

  • Inayama E, Yamada Y, Kishida M, Kitamura M, Nishino T, Ota K, Takahashi K, Shintani A, Ikenoue T. Effect of music in reducing pain during hemodialysis access cannulation: a crossover randomized controlled trial. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2022 Sep;17(9):1337-1345.

  • Kumamoto T, Ishida Y, Igeta M, Hojo Y, Nakamura T, Kurahashi Y, Shinohara H. Potential advantages of robotic total gastrectomy for gastric cancer: a retrospective comparative cohort study. J Robot Surg. 2022 Aug;16(4):959-966. 

  • Kurajoh M, Fukumoto S, Akari S, Murase T, Nakamura T, Takahashi K, Yoshida H, Nakatani S, Tsuda A, Morioka T, Mori K, Imanishi Y, Hirata K, Emoto M. Possible role of insulin resistance in activation of plasma xanthine oxidoreductase in health check-up examinees. Sci Rep. 2022 Jun 18;12(1):10281. 

  • Ito S, Fuwa N, Nomura M, Daimon T, Ota S, Morishima T, Ii N, Miyati T. Intratumor hemodynamics using contrast-enhanced MRI in intra-arterial chemotherapy for head and neck cancer. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2022 Jun;133(6):706-715. 

  • Maeda S, Taniguchi K, Asanoi H, Toda K, Funatsu T, Kondoh H, Kainuma S, Daimon T, Sawa Y. Heterogeneous reduction in regional wall stress after aortic valve replacement for aortic regurgitation: a distinct feature from aortic stenosis. J Artif Organs. 2022 Mar;25(1):42-49. 

  • Ishihara M, Asakura M, Hibi K, Okada K, Shimizu W, Takano H, Suwa S, Fujii K, Okumura Y, Mano T, Tsujita K, Igeta M, Okamoto R, Suna S. Evolocumab for prevention of microvascular dysfunction in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: the randomised, open-label EVOCATION trial. EuroIntervention. 2022 Oct 7;18(8):e647-e655. 

  • Homma G, Daimon T. Usefulness of the placebo lead-in design for clinical trials with binary outcomes. Clin Trials. 2023 Apr;20(2):145-152. 

  • Maeda S, Taniguchi K, Asanoi H, Toda K, Funatsu T, Kondoh H, Kainuma S, Daimon T, Sawa Y. Heterogeneous reduction in regional wall stress after aortic valve replacement for aortic regurgitation: a distinct feature from aortic stenosis. J Artif Organs. 2022 Mar;25(1):42-49. 

  • Hirakawa A, Sato H, Igeta M, Fujikawa K, Daimon T, Teramukai S. Regulatory issues and the potential use of Bayesian approaches for early drug approval systems in Japan. Pharm Stat. 2022 May;21(3):691-695. 

  • Otani K, Watanabe T, Takahashi K, Ominami M, Nadatani Y, Fukunaga S, Hosomi S, Kamata N, Tanaka F, Nagami Y, Taira K, Kimura T, Fukumoto S, Fujiwara Y. A questionnaire-based survey on the etiopathogenesis of chronic constipation during a medical check-up in Japan. J Clin Biochem Nutr. 2022 Mar;70(2):205-211.

  • Juri T, Suehiro K, Kanematsu R, Takahashi K, Fujimoto Y, Tanaka K, Mori T. Validation of continuous noninvasive blood pressure monitoring using error grid analysis. Anesth Analg. 2022 Apr 1;134(4):773-780. doi: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000005882.

  • Takahashi K, Yamamoto K, Kuchiba A, Koyama T. Confidence interval for micro-averaged F 1 and macro-averaged F 1 scores. Appl Intell (Dordr). 2022 Mar;52(5):4961-4972. 

  • Asakura M, Hibi K, Shimizu W, Fujii K, Suwa S, Okumura Y, Mano T, Igeta M, Okamoto R, Ishihara M. Design and rationale of the EVOCATION trial: A prospective, randomized, exploratory study comparing the effect of evolocumab on coronary microvascular function after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with stable coronary artery disease. J Cardiol. 2022 Jan;79(1):105-109. doi: 10.1016/j.jjcc.2021.08.024. 

  • Ito S, Fuwa N, Nomura M, Daimon T, Ota S, Morishima T, Ii N, Miyati T. Intratumor hemodynamics using contrast-enhanced MRI in intra-arterial chemotherapy for head and neck cancer. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2022 Jun;133(6):706-715. doi: 10.1016/j.oooo.2021.11.007. 

  • Inoue T, Koyama M, Kaida K, Ikegame K, Ensbey KS, Samson L, Takahashi S, Zhang P, Minnie SA, Maruyama S, Ishii S, Daimon T, Fukuda T, Nakamae H, Ara T, Maruyama Y, Ishiyama K, Ichinohe T, Atsuta Y, Blazar BR, Furlan SN, Ogawa H, Hill GR. Peritransplant glucocorticoids redistribute donor T cells to the bone marrow and prevent relapse after haploidentical SCT. JCI Insight. 2021 Nov 22;6(22):e153551. doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.153551.

  • Fujiwara M, Doi H, Igeta M, Suzuki H, Kitajima K, Tanooka M, Ishida T, Wakayama T, Yokoi T, Kuribayashi K, Kijima T, Hashimoto M, Kondo N, Matsumoto S, Hasegawa S, Kamikonya N, Yamakado K. Radiation pneumonitis after volumetric modulated arc therapy for non-small cell lung cancer. Anticancer Res. 2021 Nov;41(11):5793-5802. doi: 10.21873/anticanres.15396.

  • Kumamoto T, Ishida Y, Igeta M, Hojo Y, Nakamura T, Kurahashi Y, Shinohara H. Potential advantages of robotic total gastrectomy for gastric cancer: a retrospective comparative cohort study. J Robot Surg. 2022 Aug;16(4):959-966. doi: 10.1007/s11701-021-01328-y. 

  • Kainuma S, Toda K, Daimon T, Miyagawa S, Yoshikawa Y, Hata H, Yoshioka D, Kawamura T, Kawamura A, Kashiyama N, Ueno T, Kuratani T, Funatsu T, Kondoh H, Masai T, Hiraoka A, Sakaguchi T, Yoshitaka H, Shirakawa Y, Takahashi T, Sakaki M, Taniguchi K, Sawa Y; Osaka cardiovascular surgery research (OSCAR) group. Bilateral internal thoracic artery grafting improves survival for severe left ventricular dysfunction and diabetes. Circ J. 2021 Oct 25;85(11):1991-2001. doi: 10.1253/circj.CJ-20-0907. 

  • Wakabayashi I, Sourij H, Sotoda Y, Daimon T, Groschner K, Rainer PP. Ethnic differences in serum levels of microRNAs potentially regulating alcohol dehydrogenase 1B and aldehyde dehydrogenase 2. J Clin Med. 2021 Aug 19;10(16):3678. doi: 10.3390/jcm10163678.

  • Wakabayashi I, Daimon T. Associations of blood urate level with glycemic status and other cardiometabolic risk factors in middle-aged women. Womens health rep (New Rochelle). 2021 Sep 20;2(1):413-421. doi: 10.1089/whr.2021.0029. 

  • Otani K, Watanabe T, Takahashi K, Nadatani Y, Fukunaga S, Hosomi S, Tanaka F, Kamata N, Taira K, Nagami Y, Kimura T, Fukumoto S, Kawada N, Fujiwara Y. Prevalence and risk factors of functional constipation in the Rome IV criteria during a medical check-up in Japan. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 Aug;36(8):2157-2164. doi: 10.1111/jgh.15436. 

  • Tarutani K, Takaki H, Igeta M, Fujiwara M, Okamura A, Horio F, Toudou Y, Nakajima S, Kagawa K, Tanooka M, Yamakado K. Development and accuracy evaluation of augmented reality-based patient positioning system in radiotherapy: A phantom study. In Vivo. 2021 Jul-Aug;35(4):2081-2087. doi: 10.21873/invivo.12477.

  • Hasegawa S, Yokoi K, Okada M, Tanaka F, Shimokawa M, Daimon T, Nakano T. Neoadjuvant pemetrexed plus cisplatin followed by pleurectomy for malignant pleural mesothelioma. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2022 Jun;163(6):1940-1947.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2021.07.017. 

  • Ito S, Fuwa N, Nomura M, Ota S, Morishima T, Daimon T, Maeda Y, Ueda J, Tohnai I, Ii N, Miyati T. Drug concentration estimation using contrast-enhanced MRI in intra-arterial chemotherapy for head and neck cancers. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2021 Jun;48(3):496-501. doi: 10.1016/j.anl.2020.10.012. 

  • Matsumoto Y, Takahashi K, Sugioka Y, Inui K, Okano T, Mandai K, Yamada Y, Shintani A, Koike T. Double-blinded randomized controlled trial to reveal the effects of Brazilian propolis intake on rheumatoid arthritis disease activity index; BeeDAI. PLoS One. 2021 May 27;16(5):e0252357. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0252357.

  • Kainuma S, Toda K, Miyagawa S, Yoshikawa Y, Hata H, Yoshioka D, Kawamura T, Kawamura A, Kashiyama N, Ueno T, Kuratani T, Funatsu T, Kondoh H, Masai T, Hiraoka A, Sakaguchi T, Yoshitaka H, Daimon T, Taniguchi K, Sawa Y, Osaka Cardiovascular Surgery Research (OSCAR) Group. Detrimental effects of elevated transpulmonary gradient on outcomes following restrictive mitral annuloplasty in patients with pre-existing pulmonary hypertension. J Thorac Dis. 2021 May;13(5):2746-2757. doi: 10.21037/jtd-20-2898.

  • Maeda S, Asanoi H, Toda K, Miyagawa S, Yoshikawa Y, Hata H, Yoshioka D, Kainuma S, Igeta M, Sawa Y. Four-quadrant visualization of systemic circulatory equilibrium: right ventricular failure after left ventricular assist device implantation. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2021 May 1;320(5):H2161-H2168. doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.00821.2020. 

  • Kurahashi Y, Ishida Y, Kumamoto T, Nakanishi Y, Hojo Y, Igeta M, Takemura M, Shinohara H. Anastomosis behind the sternoclavicular joint is associated with increased incidence of anastomotic stenosis in retrosternal reconstruction with a gastric conduit after esophagectomy. Dis Esophagus. 2021 Apr 7;34(4):1-8:doaa089. doi: 10.1093/dote/doaa089.

  • Kainuma S, Toda K, Daimon T, Miyagawa S, Yoshikawa Y, Hata H, Yoshioka D, Kawamura T, Kawamura A, Kashiyama N, Ueno T, Kuratani T, Funatsu T, Kondoh H, Masai T, Hiraoka A, Sakaguchi T, Yoshitaka H, Shirakawa Y, Takahashi T, Sakaki M, Taniguchi K, Sawa Y, Osaka Cardiovascular Surgery Research (OSCAR) Group. Bilateral internal thoracic artery grafting improves survival for severe left ventricular dysfunction and diabetes.Circ J. 2021 Oct 25;85(11):1991-2001. doi: 10.1253/circj.CJ-20-0907. 

  • Igeta M, Matsui S. Blinded sample size re-estimation in comparative clinical trials with overdispersed count data: incorporation of misspecification of the variance function. Stat Biopharm Res. 2021;13(2):170-180. doi: 10.1080/19466315.2020.1835711.

  • Shoji T, Nakatani S, Kabata D, Mori K, Shintani A, Yoshida H, Takahashi K, Ota K, Fujii H, Ueda S, Nishi S, Nakatani T, Yoshiyama M, Goto K, Hamada T, Imanishi M, Ishimura E, Kagitani S, Kato Y, Kumeda Y, Maekawa K, Matsumura T, Nagayama H, Obi Y, Ohno Y, Sai Y, Sakurai M, Sasaki S, Shidara K, Shoji S, Tsujimoto Y, Yamakawa K, Yasuda H, Yodoi S, Inaba M, Emoto M. Comparative effects of etelcalcetide and maxacalcitol on serum calcification propensity in secondary hyperparathyroidism: A randomized clinical trial. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2021 Apr 7;16(4):599-612. doi:

  • Shinkawa H, Tanaka S, Takemura S, Amano R, Kimura K, Kinoshita M, Takahashi K, Matsuzaki S, Kubo S. Nomograms predicting extra- and early intrahepatic recurrence after hepatic resection of hepatocellular carcinoma. Surgery. 2021 Apr;169(4):922-928. doi: 10.1016/j.surg.2020.10.012. 

  • Ohnishi T, Mishima Y, Matsuda N, Sato D, Umino D, Yonezawa R, Kinoshita K, Tamura K, Mimura S, Ariji S, Maeda N, Ozaki K, Fukushima H, Arakuma T, Tsuchida S, Nishimoto H, Araki Y, Yoshida M, Tamame T, Suzuki S, Sekijima T, Kowase T, Takahashi K, Kamimaki I. Clinical characteristics of pediatric febrile urinary tract infection in Japan. Int J Infect Dis. 2021 Mar;104:97-101. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2020.12.066. 

  • Takagi M, Demizu Y, Fujii O, Terashima K, Niwa Y, Daimon T, Tokumaru S, Fuwa N, Hareyama M, Okimoto T. Proton therapy for localized prostate cancer: long-term results from a single-center experience. Int J Radiation Oncol Biol Phys. 2021 Mar;109(4):964-974. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2020.11.007.

  • Fukumoto K, Takemoto Y, Norioka N, Takahashi K, Namikawa H, Tochino Y, Shintani A, Yoshiyama M, Shuto T. Predictors of the effects of smoking cessation on the endothelial function of conduit and digital vessels. Hypertens Res. 2021 Jan;44(1):63-70. doi: 10.1038/s41440-020-0516-z. 

  • Iseki T, Nakayama H, Daimon T, Kambara S, Kanto R, Yamaguchi M, Onishi S, Tachibana T, Yoshiya S. Tibial tubercle–midepicondyle distance can be a better index to predict the outcome of medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction than tibial tubercle-trochlear groove distance. Arthrosc Sports Med Rehabil. 2020 Dec;2(6):e697-e704. doi: 10.1016/j.asmr.2020.04.014.

  • Wakabayashi I, Eguchi R, Sotoda Y, von Lewinski D, Sourij H, Daimon T, Groschner K, Rainer PP. Blood levels of microRNAs associated with ischemic heart disease differ between Austrians and Japanese: a pilot study. Sci Rep. 2020 Aug 12;10(1):13628. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-69332-0.

  • Sugita S, Mandai M, Hirami Y, Takagi S, Maeda T, Fujihara M, Matsuzaki M, Yamamoto M,  Iseki K, Hayashi N, Hono A, Fujino S, Koide N, Sakai N, Shibata Y, Terada M, Nishida M, Dohi H, Nomura M, Amano N, Sakaguchi H, Hara C, Maruyama K, Daimon T, Igeta M, Oda T,  Shirono U, Tozaki M, Totani K, Sugiyama S, Nishida K, Kurimoto Y, Takahashi M. HLA-matched allogeneic iPS cells-derived RPE transplantation for macular degeneration. J Clin Med. 2020 Jul 13;9(7):2217. doi: 10.3390/jcm9072217.

  • Saito S, Toda K, Miyagawa S, Yoshikawa Y, Hata H, Yoshioka D, Sera F, Nakamoto K, Daimon T, Sakata Y, Sawa Y. Recovery from exhaustion of the Frank-Starling mechanism by mechanical unloading with a continuous-flow ventricular assist device. Circ J. 2020 Jun 25;84(7):1124-1131. doi: 10.1253/circj.CJ-20-0070. 

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  • Shiga T, Ikeda T, Shimizu W, Kinugawa K, Sakamoto A, Nagai R, Daimon T, Oki K, Okamoto H, Yamashita T. Efficacy and safety of landiolol in patients with ventricular tachyarrhythmias with or without renal impairment – Subanalysis of the J-Land II study. Circ Rep. 2020 Jun 20;2(8):440-445. doi: 10.1253/circrep.CR-20-0017.

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  • Isogawa N, Takeda K, Maruo K, Daimon T. A comparison between a meta-analytic approach and power prior approach to using historical control information in clinical trials with binary endpoints. Ther Innov Regul Sci. 2019 Jul 31:2168479019862531. doi: 10.1177/2168479019862531.


  • 大門貴志. 抗悪性腫瘍薬の用量探索試験のためのBayes流最適区間デザイン (特集:臨床試験と観察研究の新機軸). Precision Medicine. 2024; 7: 14-18.

    1. 井桁正尭, 大門貴志. 特集「リハのデジタル情報とデータサイエンス」門外漢にもわかるデータサイエンス概論. Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation. 2023; 32: 220-225.
    1. 大門貴志. 抗悪性腫瘍薬の用量探索試験のためのベイズ流適応的デザイン-3+3デザインからの脱却 (特集:現代の臨床研究のための統計学2022-洗練された研究デザインと統計解析を理解してみよう). 医学のあゆみ. 2022; 280: 451-459.
  • 手良向聡, 安藤友紀, 大門貴志, 長谷川貴大, 松井茂之. 日本計量生物学会の試験統計家認定制度. 統計. 2022; 73(3): 18-25.

  • 井桁正尭, 大門貴志. 特集「スポーツにもエビデンスを導入しよう ースポーツ動作や身体変化を客観的に評価するー」統計の意義と基本的な使い方. The Journal of Clinical Sports Medicine. 2022; 39: 674-677.

  • 大門貴志. 医学研究における統計学の勘所. 核医学技術. 総会特集号. 2021; 41(1): 120-121.

学会発表 (国外)

  • Takahashi K, Yamamoto K. A combined superiority and non-inferiority procedure for comparing predictive values of two diagnostic tests, ENAR 2022 Spring meeting, Texas, USA, 27-30 March 2022

  • Takahashi K, Yamamoto K, Kuchiba A, Koyama T. Confidence interval for F1-scores for binary and multi-class classification, The 11th conference of the IASC-ARS, Kyoto, Japan, 21-24 February 2022.

  • Takahashi K, Yamamoto K. A one-sided testing procedure for comparing predictive values of two diagnostic tests simultaneously, 14th International conference of the ERCIM wg on Computational and methodological statistics, London, UK, 18-20 December 2021.

  • Igeta M. and Matsui S. Incorporating follow-up lengths in sample size re-estimation to compare over-dispersed count data, 41st Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, Kraków, Poland, 23-27 August 2020.

学会発表 (国内)

  • 大門貴志. 研究のデザインと統計解析の基本的考え方と勘所. ⽇本放射線技術学会 中国・四国⽀部 第25 回夏季学術⼤会, 岡山, 2024年7月6日.

  • 井桁正尭,北島一宏,山門亨一郎,大門貴志. 骨転移のある去勢抵抗性前立腺癌がん患者におけるゾーフィゴ治療の予測モデル開発. ヘルスデータサイエンス学会 第2回学術集会, 京都, 抄録集, 35, 2023年12月2日.

  • 井桁正尭,松井茂之. 過分散カウントデータの比較臨床試験における追跡期間分布を考慮した盲検下例数再設計. 2022年度 日本計量生物学会年会, 東京, 講演予稿集, 7-12, 2022年5月13日-14日.

  • 江本遼,井桁正尭,松井孝太,松井茂之. クロスオーバー試験データを用いた治療効果予測マーカー解析. 2022年度 日本計量生物学会年会, 東京, 講演予稿集, 43-48, 2022年5月13日-14日.

  • 大門貴志. 2値アウトカムの解析. Bayer Medical Dialogue Web Conference, オンライン講演, 2020年12月18日.

  • 大門貴志. 医学研究における統計学の勘所. 第40回日本核医学技術学会総会学術大会 核医学技術学会基礎講座6, 神戸, 2020年11月13日.

  • 井桁正尭,大門貴志. セミパラメトリック用量探索デザインにおけるベイズ流平均化. 2020年度統計関連学会連合大会, 富山(オンライン開催), 講演報告集, 271, 2020年9月8日-12日.

  • 大門貴志. 生存時間解析:ログランク検定に基づく生存時間曲線の比較. 日本放射線技術学会 中国・四国支部 第7回統計セミナー, オンライン講演, 2020年6月18日.

  • 大門貴志. 生存時間解析:Kaplan-Meier法に基づく生存時間曲線の推定. 日本放射線技術学会 中国・四国支部 第6回統計セミナー, オンライン講演, 2020年6月15日.

  • 大門貴志. 診療放射線技師として知っておくべき統計学の基礎 [シンポジウム1 (研究に必要な統計を研究の立案・計画から考える) 招待講演演者・パネリスト]. 第76回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会, 横浜(web開催), 予稿集, 99, 2020年5月23日-6月14日.

  • 大門貴志. 統計解析の方法を正しく選択するために:概論. Bayer Medical Dialogue Web Conference, オンライン講演, 2020年5月12日.